Mark started his training in 1997 in Newmarket and qualified in 2001. During his apprenticeship he spent the majority of his time shoeing and trimming racehorses in training, and both young stock and broodmares on stud farms.
Following his apprenticeship, he developed his own business in Lincolnshire of the next 20 years. He later started observing work at a Veterinary Hospital, mentored by Martin Deacon FWCF, going on to pass the Associate WCF (Worshipful Company of Saddlers) exam and in 2016 went on to achieve the highest qualification available in farriery the Fellowship (FWCF).
Mark is an examiner for the Worshipful Company of Farriers, an experienced clinician and lecturer not only in the UK but Europe and the USA. The importance of assessing and evaluating the horse’s conformation and foot balance has become his priority when working with all horses.

Richard is originally from the Isle of Man and started his training in 2003, completing with distinction in 2007. In 2016, he became a Master Farrier and was awarded the Freedom of the City London and became a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Farriers. Richard is currently being mentored by Jim Ferrie FWCF and is studying towards passing the Fellowship of the Worshipful Company of Farriers.
In 2018 Richard travelled to the states where he worked alongside the vet/farrier team for Hagyards Veterinary Hospital and also Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital as part of his studying towards his fellowship exam.
Richard now specializes in remedial farriery with an emphasis on dynamic foot balance. For Richard, the importance of correct foot balance has been key in maintaining long-term soundness.