Owning a horse is rewarding but it’s also a big responsibility. At Alnorthumbria Veterinary Group, we are here to support you in all aspects of equine care.

Equine health is complex and each horse has its own individual needs. With this in mind, we’ve provided these basic pages on equine health. They are based on the most common questions and conditions seen by our veterinary surgeons and qualified nurses, so we hope you’ll find them helpful.

One thing to remember; there is no substitute for getting professional advice, so if you need any extra information, or if you’re concerned about your horse, please contact our equine team.

We recommend the British Equine Veterinary Association site for obtaining information and guidance on specific treatments and drugs. Access their library for a range of helpful leaflets.

BEVA guidance leaflets

Equine Herpes Virus (EHV)

EHV is a virus found in horses virtually all over the world. Once a horse is infected, the virus remains in the system and can reactivate in the future. Of the four main types, EHV-1 and EHV-4 are the most common in the UK. Find out more on the British Equestrian website.

British Showjumping Protocol (PDF)

Disclaimer: As far as possible we have taken all due care to ensure that the information and advice given here is correct. It must, however, be realised that advice can differ in different circumstances. We can therefore accept no responsibility for errors and suggest seeking direct professional advice whenever there is any doubt.